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Teacher. Storyteller. Retreat Leader. Staff Developer. Wife. Mom. Daughter. Sister. Friend.

Monday, March 8, 2010

For the Love of the Game

Basketball is big in my classroom. Really big. And some of my most reluctant writers were given tickets to the CAA tournament this weekend. I knew what they would want to write about today and I was ready. I immersed myself in the sports pages this Sunday and it didn’t take me long to see that the the sports section is rich with opportunities for mini-lessons.

I read For the Love of the Game by Eloise Greenfield. I shared sentences from the sports pages and from Sports Illustrated. I demonstrated that sports writers often add energy to their writing by starting a sentence with a verb. After several examples, I encouraged my students to try it in their own writing and it worked. One of my struggling writers wrote:

“Dashing down the court, I was ready to take my shot.”

He shared it with me and I gave him a quick hug.

“You ARE ready”, I said.

“Yup,” he smiled. “I am.”


Leah said...

How motivating--what a great reason to pump some verbs into their writing. What a great mini-lesson.

Anonymous said...

Annie, I love this glimpse into your teaching life. You are such a good role model for knowing your kids and preparing to meet them at their points of need within a minilesson. You rock!
Happy writing, Ruth

Anonymous said...

Do you know "Foul Shot"? My 9th graders loved that one. As much as I don't care about sports, you need to play the game with so many fans around you.
Great share,